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circular economy.


Trashstock is a climate tech startup aimed at developing a circular economy platform
– a tool to optimize resource efficiency, reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, and track product lifecycle.

The actions taken by Trashstock support The United Nation Sustainable Development Goals. Trashstock’s activities are also in line with the priorities of the European Union for 2019-2024: the European Green Deal and Europe fit for the digital age.


At Trashstock, we believe that creating a fully circular economy can be achieved by the cooperation of purpose-driven people and companies which will shape our green future.

Trashstock Development Program (TDP) is a partnership program aimed at developing and testing the Trashstock platform with a group of selected Partners – leading brands, companies, institutions, manufacturers, material suppliers, and recyclers who care about environmental protection and sustainable development within the circular economy and planetary boundaries.

We look forward to creating partnerships with various industries. Join us and be the change!